Thousand Island Park, N.Y.
C/o Miss Dutcher
July 3, 1895
Dear Mother–
Herewith I send you the bill of lading and the inventory of the goods sent from India. The duty, as you will find, has been prepaid, so there is no botheration on that score. The goods have reached Hull. 94 They will be here by the middle of this month. And if you see a letter with the Morris American Express Co. name on the envelope, tear it open. You need not forward it to me, for that will be the notice of arrival to Chicago. I am sure Dewanji’s carpets were too small, but why do you not write to me about the duty if you had to pay it? I insist upon paying it myself. The Raja’s things seem to come very quick. I am so glad too I will have something to present to Mrs. Bagley, Mrs. Bull, etc.

[Enclosed in the above letter was the following note.]

541 Dearborn Ave.
To the Morris Express Co.–
Dear Sir,
Please permit Mrs. G. W. Hale of 541 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, to act for me about the goods sent to me from India and receive the same.
I have the honor to be, sir, your most obedient servant,
Swami Vivekananda